
Why burn Soy candles?

-Soy wax is derived from vegetables (soy beans), while paraffin wax is derived from petroleum ( a refined gasoline product)

-A candle made from soy wax burns cleaner, with little soot released as the candle burns. Paraffin candles often create a significant amount of black soot that collects in the jar, as well as your walls, and the rest of your home.

-Soy candles are non toxic. so they won't release toxins into the air as they burn

-Soy candles typically last longer than a paraffin candle of the same size. The reason behind this is the slower burn time and cooler burning temperature of the soybean based wax.

-Because they burn slower, the scent is gradually released, so there won't be an immediate wave of strong scent. This creates a pleasant, headache free atmosphere

-Soy wax is a natural renewable resource and is biodegradable.